Lita, Noreen, Janet, Chris, Mom, Jo and Kiki (under the table)

Noreen's Raspberry Chesscake

Noreen's present from family

Mom and Dad's first present

We gave her a cow

Today is Noreens Fullmoon, we had a simple family gathering, Mui Jie did the cooking for us. Noreen get her first present from mom and dad. I had another splitting headache today and didnt manage to snap much picture.
This also mean today is the last day Mui jie will be helping us to take care of Noreen, I told Mui Jie I'll have to move to her house.
Its been a month now and the feeling of a new born baby is still pretty new, rushing to buy things we left out, going from hyper market to hyper market looking for the cheaper diaper is a norm in my life now, I've never went near baby dept in my life and now it seem whenever I walk into carrefour or Jusco this is the first place I visit. In fact now I can memorize the price of diapers!!!
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