On her UFO

First time piloting her UFO

Right after her evening bath

Relaxing on the sofa

November month Noreen had learn to chin up when in the prone position, while lying on her back her hands can touch her toes. She do try to suck on her toes but just not yet. She had her first solid, nestle stage 1 baby rice with DHA, we had a video of how she messed her whole face with the rice cereal. The reason we start her on solid food a month earlier is coz babies are born with enough iron supplement until the age of 4 month, thereafter we have to supplement her from other food source, since Noreen is 99% on breast milk we figure better we supplement her.
She can now pilot her UFO, usually going nowhere, still very poor in navigation. We bought her the baby can read DVD and Book. Since we dont know how to entertain her in the morning and she enjoy so much watching the TV so might as well let her watch some educational program.
This month she became a very unfriendly baby, she would cry when we go Jusco or Pasar Malam which she used to enjoy.
When we bath her, she will start slapping the water and splashing water everywhere, the first time she does this was when we still bath her in the room, water went everywhere. So now we've moved the bathing session to the bathroom, this way she can splash all she wants, this is what she enjoys, splashing water on mommy and daddy.
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