Wednesday, June 15, 2011

When you and mama back in china

Its been a week now since I'm home alone, I come home to the doors without you running to the doors, it feels really lonely. I miss when you'll dragged my hands and insist that I take you play your slide at the playground, where you'll run to all the playthings, you'll ask me to put you on the swing and you'll play for 2 minutes and rush me to sit on the see saw with you. Seeing you enjoying yourself makes me feel delighted. It breaks my heart when I told you its time we go home, mama have finish cooking, but you'll pretend that you did not hear what I say and run to the slide and continue playing. Do you know that you even bite my hands when I carry you home, you'll give me those wide eye, filled to the brim with your tears. I keep explaining to you that I'll bring you down to play again tomoro but this just doesnt register in your mind.

I would call mama and ask to speak to you on the phone, I would sing your favorite song, Incy winsey spider, you'll keep saying "pyder" "pyder", this is how you call the name and you'll keep trying to make that spider climbing with your little finger.

I make this blog for you, so you'll get a chance to understand and get to know me a little bit more on the inside.

You've no idea how much I love you, you're the reason I wake up to every morning.

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