Wednesday, July 7, 2010

MMR vacination

Paranoia papa, insist for the box

Notty girl got her MMR shots today, it was Priorix from GlaxoSmithKline, which unfortunately after searching the net it had some issues in Vietnam back at 12 May 2006

But I think I do have faith that this is an isolated case, vaccine started its round worldwide since 1997 and for 13 years and just 6 case reported should be extremely rare.

Anyway this is a mercury free vaccine, a single dose vial.

Noreen weight 10.1kgs, everything cost RM80.

We were told chicken pox vaccine shots schedule for next month are compulsory by Malaysian government. And even more surprises is the schedule vaccination card is needed when Noreen start registering for schools, especially chinese school! first time I hear of this.

Noreen is having congestion on her nose, Dr Margaret suggest we get the saline spray, I got 1 from guardian Sterimar Rm27.80, cant find the soft head type. Will try and see if this will help if she continue to have stuffy nose tonite, doc ask if she has running nose and we told her no, but when she got back home she started to have one gosh.

We've also change her baby car seat to a toddler front facing type, its much easier to get her in and out. She seem to have no extra liking, still complaining when the journey is a bit longer. Tho its been advice to prolong the rear facing type for as long as possible. But its getting harder and harder to keep her in the old seat, its getting hot for her on longer journey and the middle seat belt proves to be an annoyance when getting her in and out.

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