Mui Jie and Noreen sunbathing
Noreen's skin has a slight yellowish tinge, Mui Jie says this is baby's Jaundice and its pretty common. I've heard and read all about this before Noreen was born, but when its happening to your baby our heart really were in the caution mode. Took Noreen to her paed, and did blood test, reading was 180, which paed told us if 200 she would need to go under photo therapy. told us to sunbath and come back 5 days to retest. Mui Jie told us the remedy is early morning sunbathing. So Noreen's first sunbathing and unfortunately she doesnt enjoy it a bit, she was crying from the beginning until she falls asleep. Poor baby. Mui Jie had her eyes covered to protect against direct sunlight as this would damage her young eyes.
Today is also the day Noreens umblical cord finally falls off, we kept it in an ang pow, I duno why we keep it as I dun think so she wants it when she is older. I guess this is just new baby's syndrome where everything is so precious to us.
She also had her first bath which she does not enjoy every minute of it.
she's so tiny... :)
yea la, like so fragile
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